Monday, September 12, 2005

Jennifer Lopez Compelled To Donate To Hurricane Victims

Jennifer Lopez was inspired to do all she could for the victims of Hurricane Katrina after she saw haunting TV footage of a devastated woman carrying a plank of wood.

She says: "There was one of these ladies and all of a sudden she runs to a piece of wood and is, like: 'This is from our bedroom…'



Blogger Admin said...

Aurora Mall in Denver deploys "moms" and "dads" to kick out teens
There's this one episode of the Nickelodeon cartoon "The Fairly Oddparents' where Timmy Turner alters the past, and returns to the future to find that his father is a dictator referred to simply as "Dad". When ...
Now that's some good blogging! Can't wait to read more. I'll be back for another dose.

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I hope you enjoy!

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